Hiring | Termination and Severance | Employee Handbooks
Work Schedules and Overtime | Non-Compete Agreements | Parental and Sick Leave
Organizational Restructuring | Training & Investigations
Judy Polacheck is a corporate employment lawyer who helps companies comply with employment laws and regulations. If your company has a concern about its workforce, or receives an employee complaint, contact Judy for legal advice and strategies to resolve the problem.

Many of Judyâs clients hire workers across national boundaries. Some have parent companies or subsidiaries outside of the United States. The cross-border relationships add a layer of legal complexity and risk, no matter the size of the business. Good legal advice is important.

Judy specializes in helping businesses whose workforce is not structured in a uniform way. Remote workers, part-timers, independent contractors and gig workers are all providing labor. Some people work on occasional projects and a few may be employed by affiliated entities. There may be gaps between the laws and regulations governing the workforce and the realities of worker relationships in the digital economy. An HR Lawyer can help protect your company.

Implicit bias training. Sexual harassment prevention. Responding to employee complaints. Recruiting strategies. Judy tailors her advice and services to each clientâs need.

Judy helps companies comply with the laws on workforce management. Whether the need is for answers to quick questions multiple times each month, or a legal opinion or new document once a year, sheâs available to her clients in a flexible way.
Audiences commend Judy for entertaining presentations and informative group conversations that respond to their needs. Judy enjoys conference talks, workshops and trainings, and lunch-and-learns, particularly where there are opportunities for meaningful interchange with attendees. Most common topics are worker classification as independent contractors or employees; gig economy; employment law basics; harassment, discrimination and diversity; and cross-border employment. Her audiences are local, national and international.
Recent and upcoming presentations include: